School Closed on Monday 11th January
Dear Parents/Carers
Following on-site meetings with contractors this morning I regret to inform you that Lockyer's Middle School will be closed on Monday 11th January 2021.
We hope to be able to update you on a provisional date for re-opening early next week, however, initial indications are that school may need to be closed for a number of days to complete repair work to our heating system.
Those pupils working from home should complete learning remotely as explained in the letter you will have received earlier today.
I am incredibly grateful to Corfe Hills School and Mr. Sankey (Headteacher) for kindly agreeing to host our Key Worker and vulnerable pupils, alongside our teaching staff, from Monday 11th January.
If your child is eligible to access Key Worker/vulnerable pupil provision and you would like them to attend Corfe Hills School from Monday please complete the form via the link below as soon as possible, and no later than 8 pm today (8th January) to enable the school to plan accordingly. Please note that a new form is required to secure your place. Your previous Key Worker and vulnerable pupil form is not valid for this temporary provision.
IMPORTANT - We would ask that you consider allowing your child to work from home if at all possible during this period of school closure.
A further ParentMail will be sent shortly detailing arrival times and drop-off locations at Corfe Hills School. Children should attend wearing full school uniform, a coat and a face mask. They will also require essential writing equipment and a packed lunch and drink.
Please be reassured that our senior staff will be at Corfe Hills School to meet your child.
Once again, I am very grateful for your ongoing support at this time.
Kind regards
Mark Legge (Headteacher)